Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall and Go BOOM!

I am three weeks out from my surgery. Week two I started swimming (20 min ~3x a week) and using the stationary bicycle ( 10 min ~2x week). I have also been walking around my apartment without crutches for about a week now. Last week was my first back to work and I went 4 hours a day. It was definitely tough (and school days even tougher). By the end I was crabby and in pain, plus Tylenol wasn't cutting it. (Working in aerospace doesn't give to well with the narcotics so I'm left with Ibuprofen and Tylenol right now). But overall life is grand!

So I wanted to share a little story. This past Thursday was supposed to be bike day (10 minutes), but before hand I wanted to make chocolate pudding. I needed my measuring cup which was in the back of a bottom cabinet. I was squatting and reaching when my knee popped! It didn't hurt but the next thing I knew I was collapsed on my back on my kitchen floor. I'm really glad I didn't land on my newly fixed hip!! I was more shaken up than anything else. Lesson of the day: Don't make pudding before working out!!

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